What is a Product Explainer Video? What is their role and the benefit in your business?

Mejo Kuriachan
August 19, 2024

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In today's fast-paced digital world, consumers are bombarded with endless streams of content, therefore, one needs to cut the noise. To do this, we must remember that clarity is key. Complex products, technical services, and multifaceted solutions can be difficult to explain using only text or static images for any business. That’s when you need product explainer videos. At Everything Motion, we specialise in connecting not just communicating. We are dedicated to creating engaging, concise, and effective video content that simplifies the complexities of your product for your audience.

But what exactly does a product explainer video agency do? How do they add value to your business? Let’s break down the role, functions, and benefits of partnering with such an agency.

What is a Product Explainer Video Agency?

A product explainer video agency focuses on creating short, compelling videos that clearly communicate the benefits and features of your product or service. These videos, typically ranging from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, are designed to engage your target audience, reduce confusion, and provide clarity on what your product does or what your service is about and why it’s valuable to your customers.

Product explainer videos combine storytelling, visual design, and animation to turn complex concepts into easily digestible and memorable content. Whether it's a SaaS platform, a mobile app, a physical product, or a service, a well-crafted explainer video can be a game-changer in conveying your brand’s message. Data and heavy jargon can convey information but storytelling creates memorability.

The Role of a Product Explainer Video Agency

While the primary deliverable of a product explainer video agency is, of course, the video itself, their role goes deeper. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect when working with such an agency:

Discovery & Strategy

A good explainer video doesn’t happen by chance. It starts with a thorough discovery process where the agency learns about your brand, product, target audience, and objectives. This step includes research into market trends, competitor analysis, and understanding the pain points of your potential customers. By diving deeper into your brand's DNA, the agency aligns the video’s messaging with your overall brand persona and its marketing strategy.

Creative Concept Development

Once the discovery phase is complete, the agency works on the creative concept. This involves brainstorming ideas that balances creativity with clarity. The goal is to create a video that resonates with your audience while clearly explaining your product’s value proposition. The agency may present different concepts and storyboards until you find one that perfectly matches your brand's voice and objectives.


A script is the foundation of any successful explainer video. The agency’s content team crafts a concise script that simplifies complex ideas into easy-to-understand narratives. A script that highlights key features, benefits, and the unique selling proposition of your product is mindfully developed. It’s about finding the right balance between informative content and engaging storytelling.

Storyboard & Style Frame

With the script in hand, the agency then moves to the visual planning stage. They create a storyboard that outlines every scene, ensuring that each visual element supports the message. This is where your product starts coming to life, visually. The design team focuses on creating visuals that aligns with your brand’s style—whether through animations, live-action, or a mix of both.

Animation & Production

Now, this is where the magic happens. Skilled animators, video editors, and designers work their way together to create the final video. They bring the storyboard to life with dynamic visuals, transitions, and effects. The production process might also include voice-over recording, background music, and sound design to ensure that the video is not only professional but also engaging.

Revision & Final Delivery

The agency provides drafts and iterates based on your feedback. Once all adjustments are made, you receive the final product, ready to be deployed across your marketing channels. A good agency will ensure that the video is optimised for different platforms, whether it’s your website, social media, or email campaigns.

The Benefits of Partnering with a Product Explainer Video Agency

Investing in a product explainer video can be one of the most impactful decisions for your marketing strategy. Here’s how a product explainer video agency can help your business:

  1. Simplifying Complex Information

    Some products are intricate and require detailed explanation. A well-crafted explainer video distils these complexities into a format that’s easy to understand. Instead of leaving potential customers confused with lengthy descriptions, a video can convey your message in seconds.

  2. Boosting Conversion Rates

    An explainer video can directly impact your bottom line. Studies show that adding a video on your landing page can increase conversion rates by up to 80%. When customers understand what your product does and how it solves their problems, they are more likely to make a purchase.

  3. Enhancing Brand Engagement

    Video content is more engaging than text alone. A creatively designed video grabs attention, keeps viewers engaged, and makes your brand more memorable. Whether through humour, storytelling, or captivating visuals, videos have the power to evoke emotions, which in turn deepens brand loyalty.

  4. Improving SEO and Website Metrics

    Videos help improve your website’s search engine rankings. Google loves video content, and pages with videos are more likely to rank higher in search results. Additionally, videos encourage users to stay longer on your site, reducing bounce rates and improving overall engagement metrics.

  5. Versatile Marketing Tool

    Once you have a product explainer video, it can be repurposed across multiple channels. From social media snippets and email marketing to trade shows and investor presentations, a single video serves multiple purposes. This flexibility maximises the return on investment for your marketing efforts.

  6. Building Trust and Credibility

    A well-produced explainer video positions your brand as professional and trustworthy. It demonstrates that you are willing to invest in educating your customers, which can build credibility. A clear and concise video also eliminates confusion, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Examples of Product Explainer Videos

You can have a look at these to get a better sense of how Product Explainer Videos work:

"The Ultimate Guide to Explainer Videos: Types, Budgets, Styles + Real Cases" from Blue Carrot: This article provides a comprehensive overview of different types of explainer videos, their uses in marketing, and factors like budgeting and style selection. It also delves into real-life examples, making it a valuable resource for understanding the practical applications of explainer videos​.

"The Role of Explainer Videos in Modern Marketing" from Robin Waite: This article highlights the importance of explainer videos in simplifying complex ideas, boosting engagement and conversion rates, and improving SEO performance. It offers insights into why explainer videos are a versatile and valuable tool in a marketer's arsenal​.

"What is an Explainer Video: How to Make One + Real-Life Examples" from Visme: This piece breaks down the process of creating explainer videos, from ideation to final production. It includes examples of different styles and approaches, offering a wide range of inspirations for your content​.

Six Key Features of Outstanding Product Explainer Videos

In a world flooded with content, explainer videos have become the go-to medium for brands looking to distil complex ideas into digestible, engaging narratives. However, not all explainer videos are created equal. The ones that truly shine share a few distinct characteristics that allow them to cut through the noise and resonate with their target audience.

Here are six standout qualities that set the best explainer videos apart:

1. They Are Customer-Centric to the Extreme

The secret sauce to an effective explainer video lies in shifting the focus away from your product and onto your audience. The most successful videos don’t just showcase features—they speak directly to the audience’s needs, desires, and pain points.

From the very first second, these videos are crafted with the customer in mind. They consider where the viewer is in their buying journey, whether they’re at the awareness stage, comparing options, or ready to make a purchase. By understanding this, the narrative can be tailored to guide the viewer smoothly from curiosity to conversion.

2. They Tell an Aspirational Story

The power of storytelling is undeniable, and great explainer videos leverage this by painting a picture of a better future. They don’t just describe what a product does—they tell a story that resonates emotionally with the viewer.

These videos show potential customers how their lives could be transformed by the product. The narrative often depicts a relatable problem and an ideal outcome, leaving the viewer saying, "I need this!" Even if that’s not exactly what they say out loud, the story plants the seed of desire, moving them closer to taking action.

3. They Zero down on the Problem and Offer a Clear Solution

An outstanding explainer video gets straight to the heart of the matter. It starts by identifying the core problem that the viewer faces, presenting it in a way that’s relatable and easy to understand. This connection forms the foundation of trust.

From there, the video seamlessly transitions into presenting your product as the ideal solution—plain, simple, and to the point. The focus is on clarity, ensuring the viewer knows precisely how your product will solve their problem and make their life easier.

4. They Make the Audiences Feel Something

People make decisions based on emotions, and the best explainer videos know how to tap into those feelings. Whether it’s humour, empathy, excitement, or relief, these videos combine technical explanations with emotional triggers that make the content memorable.

By marrying product features with a narrative that evokes emotion, the video doesn’t just inform—it connects on a human level. It’s this emotional engagement that often leaves a lasting impact, making the viewer more likely to remember your brand and return later.

5. They Embrace the “Less is More” Philosophy

In an age where attention spans are shrinking, simplicity is the king for any communication. The most effective explainer videos convey just enough information to spark interest without overwhelming the viewer with unnecessary details. They focus on what’s essential: the problem, the solution, and the benefits.

By leaving out excess clutter and keeping things concise, these videos leave the audience wanting more. They ignite curiosity, encouraging viewers to dig deeper into your website, book a demo, or reach out for more information. In this way, the video serves as a powerful teaser rather than a comprehensive rundown.

6. They Break Through the Monotony

In a world where much of the content looks and sounds the same, the best explainer videos stand out by daring to be different. Whether through creative animation, a unique narrative style, or an unexpected twist, they capture attention and keep it.

These videos don’t just fade into the background—they make an impression. They are carefully designed to be memorable, ensuring that your brand sticks in the minds of your audience long after they’ve watched the video. By creating a distinct visual and narrative identity, they strengthen your brand’s positioning and give it a competitive edge.

Elevate Your Brand with Standout Explainer Videos

When done right, explainer videos are a powerful marketing tool. They can communicate complex ideas with clarity, connect emotionally with viewers, and drive action in just a few minutes. By incorporating these six key elements into your video strategy, you can craft content that not only explains but captivates and converts.

If you’re looking to create an explainer video that does more than just convey information—one that truly stands out and leaves a lasting impression—make sure to partner with a team that understands how to deliver these six core attributes.

Conclusion: Why a Product Explainer Video Agency is Crucial?

In an age where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, a product explainer video is a powerful tool to stand out and communicate your value effectively. A specialised product explainer video agency brings the expertise, creativity, and technical skills needed to create videos that resonate, engage, and convert. 

A product explainer video agency goes in depth to understand your requirements, research, storyboard, create boardomatic and then animate before finally getting your explainer video. By simplifying complex information, enhancing brand engagement, and boosting conversion rates, these agencies play a critical role in the success of your marketing strategy. Whether you’re a startup introducing a groundbreaking product or an established company launching a new feature, a high-quality explainer video can bridge the gap between a confused audience and loyal customers who truly understand the value you bring to the table.

Are you ready to elevate your brand with an explainer video that drives results? Reach out to a trusted product explainer video agency and start transforming the way you communicate with your audience. Form real ground connections that stay in their minds.

So, stop thinking and get that explainer video to uplift your brand!

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Mejo Kuriachan

Co-founder & Partner

Mejo puts the 'Everything' in 'Everything Flow, Design, and Motion'. A straight shooter who is an engineer first, strategist and design manager later.